Fulbeck Kart Club – 2025 Championship regulations

1.1 Title & Jurisdiction

The FULBECK KART CLUB Championship is organised and administered by the FULBECK KART CLUB Ltd. in accordance with the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and these Championship Regulations.
Motorsport UK Championship Permit Number* Status* Motorsport UK Championship Grade* Type*

1.2 Officals

1.2.1 The Championship Co-ordinator will be:
Mrs. J Thornsby,3 Backmoor Road, Norton, Sheffield, S8 8LB ,TEL: 07749106101

1.2.2 Eligibility Scrutineer Mr G. Walker

1.2.3 Championship Stewards Trevor Healy, Michael Brown, Gina Wren

1.3 Competitor Eligibility


Entrants must be fully paid up valid membership card holding members of the FULBECK KART CLUB Limited and be in possession of a valid Motorsport UK Entrants Licence. Competitors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by the holder of a Kart PG Entrant’s Licence who must sign on as the Entrant of that competitor.


Drivers and Entrant/Drivers must be fully paid up valid membership card holding members of FULBECK KART CLUB, be registered for the championship and be in possession of a valid Competition (Kart) Interclub Licence, as a minimum. A competitor shall not take time off school to participate in motor sport without the prior written approval of their school. If participation in the Championship requires absence from school, Drivers in full time school education are required to have the approval of their head teacher and a letter stating such approval from his/her school in order to fulfil registration for the Championship.


A team is a commercial race company or racing team hosting drivers in providing race services or covered accommodation in the Championship and receiving financial gain where the principal is not also the PG Entrant Licence holder. This includes the use of team names, team sticker kits and team race suits/clothing. Teams must be in possession of a valid Motorsport UK Entrants licence. A team shall at all times uphold and respect the provisions of the Code, the General Regulations and these Championship Regulations as may be amended from time to time and shall; (a) hold a valid Motorsport UK Entrant licence; (b) have at least £5 million Public Liability insurance; (c) uphold the values of the Respect Code and all applicable Motorsport UK policies and guidance; (d) act in a professional manner at all times and not act or permit any member of the Team to act in such a manner as to bring motor sport, the Championship or Motorsport UK or any of its officers and officials into disrespect; (e) adhere to the Motorsport UK Safeguarding Policies and guidance documents, complete Safeguarding training when required and ensure that any person undertaking Regulated Activity is the holder of a valid suitability check certificate supplied through Motorsport UK; (f) adhere to the General Regulations in respect of anti-alcohol and illicit drugs as well as Motorsport UK processes for anti-alcohol and illicit drug testing; (g) nominate one member of their Team as the Team Representative at each meeting including but not exclusively for the purpose of all judicial proceedings at Events and who shall be present at all judicial proceedings concerning drivers entered under that Team licence in substitution for the Parent/Legal Guardian.

It is recommended the Team has:
(a) A designated team member as a 1st 4 Sport, Level 2 qualified coach;
(b) a designated UKAD Certified Advisor, and
(c) be responsible for carrying out and documenting a risk assessment of their activities; ( risk assessment management tool available).


All necessary documentation must be presented for checking at all rounds when signing-on.

1.4 Registration

1.4 Registration


All members of FKC are automatically registered for the Championship


There is no registration fee


The closing date will be 3 days prior to the event.

1.5 Championship Rounds


The 2024 Club Championship dates are as follows, February 25th March 24th , April 28th, May 26th , June 23rd, July 28th, August 25th ,September 22nd, October 27th,& November 24th. Rounds 9 from 10 to count. A disqualification has to count as a scoring round and cannot be dropped. Any driver disqualified from a meeting or final must count that meeting as a scoring round.


All events will be held at Fulbeck Kart Club at Fulbeck Kart Circuit.


Contact: Mrs. J Thornsby,3 Backmoor Road, Norton, Sheffield, S8 8LB ,TEL 07749106101 compsec@fulbeckkartclub.co.uk

1.6 Scoring

1.6.1 Club Championship points are as follows:
The points awarded in heats will not count towards the Championship points.
Championship points will be awarded to drivers for their grid position in the final as follows:
Pole: 35 points, 2nd: 34points, 3rd: 33 points, 4th: 32 points. etc.


Points for Final 

1st: 70 points, 2nd: 68 points. 3rd: 66 points, 4th: 65 points, 5th: 64 points, 6th: 63 points, 7th: 62 points, etc.
Disqualified 0 points.
any driver taking the start will be classed as a finisher, will be given a finishing position and receive Championship Points to reflect the finishing position.
Disqualified from the meeting or final will receive 0 points, which includes those points awarded for final grid positions.
50 bonus points will be awarded to each driver competing in the November meeting.


Club Championship points are as follows:
The points awarded in heats will not count towards the Championship points.
Championship points will be awarded to drivers for their grid position in the final as follows:
Pole: 35 points, 2nd: 34points, 3rd: 33 points, 4th: 32 points. etc.

Points for Final 

1st: 70 points, 2nd: 68 points. 3rd: 66 points, 4th: 65 points, 5th: 64 points, 6th: 63 points, 7th: 62 points, etc.
Disqualified 0 points.
any driver taking the start will be classed as a finisher, will be given a finishing position and receive Championship Points to reflect the finishing position.
Disqualified from the meeting or final will receive 0 points, which includes those points awarded for final grid positions.
50 bonus points will be awarded to each driver competing in the November meeting.


To resolve a tie with grid positions, the competitor with the highest points scored in the first heat will take the higher grid position.
The winner of each class will be the competitor with the highest overall points. In the event of a tie the driver with the most 1st places,
2nd places and so on will decide the result.


Refer to section C6.5 for the Championship Points Appeal Procedure


To resolve a tie with grid positions, the competitor with the highest points scored in the first heat will take the higher grid position.
The winner of each class will be the competitor with the highest overall points. In the event of a tie the driver with the most 1st places,
2nd places and so on will decide the result.


Any driver disqualified from a final or meeting must count that meeting as a scoring round.

1.7 Awards


Perpetual Club Championship trophies to be awarded to the class winner.


Presentations Garlands and trophies are to be provided for presentation at the end of each race or at an end of the meeting presentation ceremony. Prize money and Bonuses Shall be posted to the entrants within 7 days of the results being declared final after each meeting.


Trophies will be awarded 1 in 5 at each round (A Final Only) Trophies will be awarded 1 in 5 at the end of the Championship. No trophies will be awarded to those classes with less than five competitors. (The organisers reserve the right to award trophies at their discretion)


Entertainment Tax Liability
Trophies In accordance with the current government legislation, the Fulbeck Kart Club is legally obliged to withhold tax at the basic rate on all payments to non- UK resident sportsmen/women and account to HMRC using form FEU1, the quarterly return of payments made to non-resident entertainers and sportsmen/women
That is, those persons who do not have a normal permanent residence in the UK. This does not include the Isle of Man, Channel Islands or Eire. This means that, as the organiser, the Fulbeck Kart Club is required to deduct tax at the current rate applicable from any such payments they make to Non-UK residents.
Under certain circumstances, it may be possible for competitors to enter into an agreement with the Inland Revenue to limit the tax withheld. Any application for such an arrangement must be made in writing and not later than 30 days before payment is due.
For further information contact:- HMRC Personal Tax International, Foreign Entertainers Unit, St John’s House, Merton Road , Liverpool L75 1BB. Tel: 0151 472 6488 F 0151 4726483.


No bonuses


Title to all Trophies: In the event of any Provisional Results or Championship Tables being revised after any provisional presentations and such revisions affect the distribution of any awards the Competitors concerned must return such awards to the Fulbeck Kart Club in good condition within 7 days.



Rounds In accordance with Section C of the current Motorsport UK Yearbook & FKC Supplementary Regulations.


By registering for the Championship all competitors and their associates, commit to the Motorsport UK Race with Respect campaign and agree to Positively promote and demonstrate the Racing Code, which is appended to these regulations.


By registering for the Championship all competitors and their associates, commit to the Motorsport UK Race with Respect campaign and agree to Positively promote and demonstrate the Racing Code, which is appended to these regulations.


Where any reports of disrespectful conduct are judged to be well founded the Championship organisers may issue warnings or require remedial actions and/or report The matter to the Championship Stewards who may impose appropriate penalties which can include loss of Championship points and/or race bans through to Championship expulsion and referral to Motorsport UK.


It is imperative that we promote the safety and wellbeing of young people and adults at risk. In addition to this all participants must be aware of Their behaviour and conduct at all times and abusive language and harmful behaviour will not be tolerated. Any such incidents must be Reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer and/or Motorsport UK. The Motorsport UK Safeguarding policy, guidance documents including Reporting mechanisms are available on the Motorsport UK website.



The Club Championship is for competitors participating in karts which conform to the Motorsport UK Technical and Safety Regulations as detailed in the 2024 Motorsport Yearbook.


Eligible classes: All classes listed in the Motorsport UK Karting Yearbook 2024.


Safety regulations as per Motorsport UK regulations

Address for SAT NAV use:
Stragglethorpe Lane, Nr Stragglethorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3JE

Competition Secretary, Fulbeck Kart Club
Stragglethorpe Lane, Nr Stragglethorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3JE

Telephone: 07749 106101
E-mail: compsec@fulbeckkartclub.co.uk

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